Friday, March 1, 2013



Vineet Nayer point out in his interview with HBS that employee should be view as the real value, because they create value in organization.  Build an envelop of trust.  Build transformation on subordinate to build change in them.  Burns (1978, P.20) described transforming leadership as a process in which “leaders and followers” raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation.”  These leaders seek to raise the consciousness of followers by appealing to ideals and moral values such as liberty, justice, equity, peace, and humanitarianism, not to baser emotions such as fear, jealousy, or hatred.
Servant leader must attend to the needs of followers and help them become healthier, wiser, and more willing to accept their responsibilities.  Servant leader must listen to followers, learn about their needs and aspiration, and be willing to share in their pain and frustration.  Servant leader must empower followers instead of using power to dominate them.
Vineet point out that, “Transparency create trust in employee”.  Trust is being completely honest and open, keeping actions consistent with values, and showing trust in followers.  Leader’s integrity and concern for subordinate is likely to increase their trust, loyalty, and satisfaction with the leader.  A favorable relationship and increased referent power to the leader make it easier to influence subordinates to carry out requests Yukl, (2013. p.337).
Vineet said that, employee should be encouraged so that when they come to work they will work.
The influence of authentic leader with some followers is enhanced by their confidence, clarity of value, and integrity.  It is easier for follower to be influenced by a leader who is perceived to be credible, focused, and confident.  Followers of authentic leaders have identification that is more personal with the leader and more social identification with the team or organizational unit Yukl, (2013, P.340).  Leaders of today should be in front, why tomorrow leader be behind them, building them to make change by Vineet.
Follower perception of leader authenticity may be jointly influenced credible, on the extent to which the expressed values and emotions are consistent with follower perception of the situation, and on follower ability to accurately perceive when a leader is expressing genuine emotions and value Yukl, (2013, P.340).  Leader should belief they do not have all answers, opening to accountability, evaluate to see transformation.  Traditional leader should make change.  Organization has to design when to transform, by Vineet.
Leaders can reinforce ethical behavior by including it in the criteria used to evaluate and reward follower performance.  A leader’s own actions provide an example of ethical behavior to be imitated by people who admire and identify with the leader.  Leaders can facilitate problem solving by helping people getting information, by identifying points of agreement and disagreement, and encouraging people to find integrative solutions to conflicts.  Some ways a top executive can influence the ethical climate in an organization include talking about the importance of positive values, setting an example of ethical behavior, making decisions that show integrity is as important as profits, and enforcing discipline for ethics violations Yukl, (2013, P. 343-344).


Burns, J. M. (1978).  Leadership.  New York: Harper and Row. 

Vineet Nayer

Gary Yukl, (2013).  Leadership in Organization

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