Sunday, May 19, 2013


Summarizing your current thoughts on good presentation design?
A good presentation must be short and to the point.  Should not be flashy and avoid tautology.  When there is too much repetition, the presentation will be bored.  Be in control.  When presenter is just reading slides to the audience, you are not in control because your audience can read.  Use slide as a guide to the points while you expatiate on as the presentation flows.  The will enable audience to take note. I do not like to be helped in writing note. I believe, writing enhances comprehension.

Both the slide and presenter’s enactment should be synchronized for a clearer presentation.  Good and relevant stories are the best vehicle to convey a clear presentation to the desired audience.  Garr Reynolds points out "Good presentations include stories" (Para 12).  Uniqueness in colour, contrast, and text is of good importance.   

Repetition and the use of memorable topics are of great importance to a great presentation. The slide should be properly aligned with information.  The idea,” KISS” (keep it simple silly) is of great importance to memorable presentation.  When presentation is simple and natural it makes it easy to memorize and practice.  Presentation should be sequentially organized like story line follows.  It should encompass introduction, body, and ending.  This keeps audience concentration and helps to meaning from the topic.

Visuals presentation enhances the understanding of the topic when presented appealingly.  Use of video and audio are good instrumental to better illustration of points.  Professional used of objects is good.  Memorable topics are also essential elements of a great presentation.

When delivering presentation, moving away from the podium to connect with the audience, helps eye contact.  “B” key on the keyboard is of great benefits to control the slide, to make blank when need to digress and restore when ready to continue.
In addition, remote control device can help.  Go at a pace, which will permit audience participations.  When the light is on, it helps to see the faces of the audience and keep them from sleeping.
Finally, while designing a presentation some rules helps to build good presentation; No use of Bullets.  First, develop your presentation on paper before transferring to power point, easy to manipulate without the help of any software.  Use a font size no smaller than 30pt. The use of clip art should not be encouraged to “jazz up” the slide.  Taught should be arranged per slide.  Set a time limit for the presentation.  Logo should not be introduced at every page.  Do not fill the presentation with complex charts that will not be understood within seconds.
Kipp, B. (2010). Hubspot.10 Rules to Instantly Improve Your Presentations.
Paul A. (2008). Sample page from chapter six of presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery by Garr Reynolds
Garr R. Presentation Zen. How to Design & Deliver Presentations Like a Pro

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