Reliability Vs. Validity Analysis
Olusanya Oyeyemi
Walden University
effectiveness of any team depends more on the role-play by the leader of the
group and the leaders relationship with the flowers enhances the ability of the
leader to bring out the creativity in the group. Television directors
were examined to analyse the real-world leaders, how collaborative efforts are
managed and how they manage different leadership styles to lead their team.
The purpose of this article is to examine
how real-world leaders lead creative teams, using television directors as a
reference point. The question remain that, which method is the most appropriate
to evaluate leadership performance effectively? The authors adapted qualitative
research method since leadership is a socially constructed role, qualitative
method remain the most appropriate method in understanding the construct from
multiple perspectives (Murphy, & Ensher, 2008 ). About 21 television
directors were interviewed on how they carried out their leading role in
Television productions. The 21 directors that gave the information comprises of
7 females and 14 male, most of these professional claim to learn their skills
by understudying another professional in the industry. Only 7 directors learn
their skills from secular schools, meaning that only one director combine both
methods of learning.
The inference from this research shows
that television directors demonstrate leader-like behaviours, by using
charismatic leadership behaviours to gain group cooperation and increase
creativity. They also employed different systems to conveying their vision and
direction with other different departments. Involve in production. Directors
demonstrate their sensitivity to members’ need by giving the support their
followers need to bring out the creativity in them. The author established that
highest percentages of television directors are charismatic leadership instead
of transformational leadership. This was evident in the way they use shared
leadership, understanding of the larger environment, and unconventional
behavior to demonstrate leading by example and to promote creativity. The
concept of this research is to “ investigate whether directors are involved in
the practice of leadership and whether the model of charismatic leadership is a
useful lens from which to study directors as leaders by examining leaders
distance, shared leadership, and leadership self-schema” (Murphy, & Ensher,
2008 ).
In addition, since Klein and House has
established that “ charisma resides not in a leader, not in a follower, but in
the relationship between a leader who has charismatic qualities and a follower
who is open to charisma, within a charisma – conducive environment” (1995,
p.183 as cited by Murphy, & Ensher, 2008). My assumption agrees with the
fact that television directors involve in the practice of leadership and are
charismatic but for more accuracy, it will be necessary for the future research
to interview their followers on the set which comprises of various departments
like; actors, costumiers, lighting etc. about directors’ performance. The
implication of this is that followers have a better understanding of their
leader. Leaders can share any good report about him/her performance but
followers remain the best evaluator of any leader. Seeing how director conveys
their vision to their followers’ group from different point of view is the
better way to establish a fact co-mingled with a desire to change the status
quo and that desire is articulated in the vision” (Murphy, & Ensher, 2008
Murphy, S. E., & Ensher, E. A. (2008). A qualitative analysis of
charismatic leadership in
creative teams: The case of television directors. Leadership Quarterly,
19(3), 335–352.
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